Borrower: Willamette University, founded in Salem in 1982, is a private institution of higher education offering students a number of graduate and undergraduate degrees in programs covering a wide variety of scholastic disciplines, providing a rigorous education in the liberal arts and selected professional fields.
Amount of Loan: $12,500,000
Closed: July 30, 2014
Purchasing Bank: Wells Fargo Capital Markets, LLC
Description of Loan: This Project was undertaken (i) to refund the 2014 maturities of the State of Oregon – Oregon Facilities Authority Revenue and Refunding Bonds 2010 Series A (Tax-Exempt), (ii) to refund the State of Oregon – Oregon Facilities Authority Revenue and Refunding Bonds 2010 Series B (Federally Taxable), and (iii) pay other costs of issuance. This was the University’s sixth financing through OFA.
Type of Loan: Traditional Bond – Direct Placement